Closing the doors on Made for Masses

Two years ago, the team behind Studio Rubric started Made for Masses as a solution for entrepreneurs, artists, and freelancers looking for beautiful websites without the commitment or expense of full customization.

We turned to Squarespace as a platform for heavy-hitting design and streamlined templates to tighten timelines and budgets. While this was a completely new business model for us, the results were awesome! We made some incredible sites for clients we otherwise wouldn’t have been able to work with. But it was also a learning experience.

We discovered the limitations of working within templates and came to learn what we love about this business, which is going in-depth and creating custom brand experiences for our clients. With careful consideration for our existing clients, we’ve decided to close the doors on Made for Masses and refocus on building Studio Rubric as a standalone business.

Of course, the business still has room for template sites, but we expect to do less of them as we focus more on researching, strategizing, prototyping, and coding custom experiences for our clients. Don’t hesitate to reach out about your future needs.