Design Your Squarespace Website with These Four Goals in Mind

When taking on a new website, it’s important to go into it with the right mindset. Know your goals inside and out. Not only will it help your build go way faster, but it will keep you feeling zen and in control for the entire journey.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself before starting your site:



How will your site actually help your business grow?

Determine this and you’ve got the beginnings of a site strategy.


How will your site be different than those you’re taking inspiration from?

Site inspo is great, but make sure you have a plan for creating a distinctive look and tone. Your website is often the center of your brand image, so make sure it’s true to you and your business.


What’s the function of your site?

Is it to showcase a portfolio, sell a physical product, collect email addresses? Knowing this will help inform the design and functionality of your site.


What are you site’s must haves vs nice-to-haves?

Make a list of priorities for your site and get ready to make cuts if things get cluttered.



At the beginning of every project Rubric takes on, we create something called a Pilot. It’s a roadmap for how we’re going to build your site and an essential first step in any build.

We’ll work with you to answer any of these questions if you’re unsure, and most of all, use the answers to inform every decision we make. If you’re ready to get started, give us a shout to talk about your project.