Should I pay someone to build my Squarespace site?

The short answer?
It depends…

Full disclosure, here at Studio Rubric, we are BIG Squarespace fans—like get out the foam fingers fans. We’ve been using it for years, and it’s allowed us to really streamline our websites. Squarespace allows you to create beautiful websites that look great on any device and keep content updates a breeze. On top of that, it’s super intuitive, which makes it possible for some people to build their own websites with little to no web development skills. 

But at what point should you consider bringing in a pro?


You want your site to align with a custom strategy

Let’s be real—it doesn’t matter how beautiful your website is if you don’t have a clear strategy behind it. When you invest in a strategy and a website in one, you can save a lot of time and money. At Studio rubric, we strategize for your entire website before we even start building. That includes a deep dive into your business goals, a sitemap and content outline, competitive analysis, design sketches, and SEO and marketing best practices. This way, your website reflects the strategy that you want to put forward for your brand. 


You want to stand out

The beautiful templates of Squarespace make it easy for your site look terrific, but you need to differentiate from your competitors. When you utilize the full potential of Squarespace, and a professional designer’s expertise, you can incorporate a more tailored aesthetic to set you apart from others in your industry.

At Rubric, we design and code custom templates on Squarespace to truly make the design speak to your content and audience. A more polished online presence makes you look more professional and trustworthy to potential clients.


You’re an entrepreneur with bigger fish to fry

Building your first website may take a lot of trial and error. If you’re building a business at the same time, you’re probably more focused on building a client base and growing your team. If you want your site done right the first time, it’s probably a good idea to bring in some help.

We can show you how to maintain and make updates down the road, but we’re business owners too, and we understand that having a trusted partner to lighten the load can make all the difference. 


Creating a website that works for your business doesn’t have to require diving in alone. Give us a shout for the extra boost you need to start something great.