The Future of Web Design

So, you’re building a new site now, but how do you know it won’t look outdated by next year?


Design elements, features, and ways a site can function have changed a lot over the past decade or two, so rapidly that it’s a smart move to stay on top of emerging trends. Adapting the latest developments to your site will mean your brand stays current for longer.

Wondering what’s on our radar coming up in the next few years? Here’s where we predict the future of web design is headed:



There’s been hints at animation coming back in web design to guide users through a site. But it’s more about sophisticated animation than just an attention-grabber. When a visitor comes to your site, an animation can let them know their presence has been noticed. Not only that, but animations also serve a functional purpose, guiding visitors along the page, subtly giving cues, and providing a seamless user experience.

The more engaging your site, the better. That’s why we predict animation will become more and more popular. We all can relate to the monotonous bore of scrolling the internet all day – animation is a light in the dark for the future of web design.



Voice User Interface (VUI), or AKA, talking to your devices, is now a big thing. We’re estimating it’s only going to continue to evolve, not just for devices, but on the web, too.

Studies have predicted that half of all searches will be done using voice search by 2020. While prioritizing voice search may or may not be a need for your business specifically, it’s a trend worth paying close attention to, especially from an SEO perspective.


Geometrical design elements

Personality shines through with the type and style of graphics that designers choose to use on a site. A trend we’ve seen growing lately is the use of geometrical animations and loaders, which are becoming more popular along with the trend toward more minimal, functional styles.

Load speed is also a factor that comes into play. Geometrical design features contribute to voice and style, without the weight of imagery that can slow down your site speed. It’s a big reason why web designers are using code and SVG assets more often these days, and we predict the trend to continue evolving in the future.



Questions answered in real time. That’s the beauty of chatbots on a website – they allow your users to get the information they need, now. It also helps your users stay connected to your brand by allowing for a more personalized, interactive experience.

Our web design team at Studio Rubric predicts that chatbots will become more sophisticated in the years to come, allowing site visitors to spend time on your site efficiently. Not only that, the responses received from current or prospective customers can provide valuable data necessary to improve the entire customer experience.


Want to know more about how your site can pave the way into the future of web design? Chat with one of our design specialists at Rubric today.