Studio Rubric

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Eye On Design: Part 1 • Three rules for user friendly web content

Cohesive web design relies on the twin pillars of content and style.

Content being the story you tell, and style being the way you present that story. Both are important, but staying true to the idea that style should follow content, let’s talk about content first.

Some rules to live by when considering content:

1. Keep it simple!

OK, this isn’t the first and it won’t be the last time we give this advice, but it can’t be overstated. There shouldn’t be anything on your website that doesn’t serve your strategic purpose. Make a list of your content areas, and decide which ones can be tossed or combined. That goes for photos galleries too. Don’t let us see your entire Flikr account dumped onto your website. Galleries should be curated to match your aesthetic, and distilled down to only relevant photos. Simplicity protects your users from content fatigue and keeps them from abandoning you too soon. 

2. Consider user flow

When someone takes the time to visit your website, they probably have a specific goal in mind. It might be to check your business hours, confirm a price, or find an email address. Whatever it is, the user is completely self-serving. They don’t want to meander around, skimming through every bit of your content. Take them on a logical journey to their destination. Put yourself in the user’s shoes and make sure you’re telling a story with your content organization. That goes for individual page structure, and overall navigation. 

3. Reward people who stick with you

Congrats! Someone made it to the very bottom of your most important page. Maybe you’re a non-profit with an inspiring origin story and someone read your entire “About Us” page. Now what? Was the strategic goal of this content to inspire donations? Hit them with a “donate” button before it’s too late. A well-placed call to action makes your user feel like their visit has purpose, and it can add serious value to your business.

So, get in touch if you’re ready to start a project with us. See how easy that was?